Mitchell Dubin, Conductor
Jeremy Ng, Assistant Conductor

Violin I
Liam Barthelmy, concertmaster
Keerthana Chari
Mina Chang
Charlie Wong
Sebastien Lowy
Angel Hu
Tai O’Malley
David Wang
Tony Gao
Yenjay Hu
June You
Samson Wong
Helen Zhou
Yolanda Wang
Eli Semmel
Raymond Hou
Sophie Heitfield
Nathan Wu

Violin II
Neo Chen, principal
Ephraim Cho, principal
Michelle So
Ashyah Hewage
Lilia Potter-Schwartz
Aaron Mesa
Sophia Zhou
Kayla Sohn
Ian Fernandes
Tiki Kazeem
Alison Tae
Abril Linares Mendoza
Velvet Wu
Alan Zhong
Jam Lian
Angelique Wheeler
Ayana Salahuddin
Sydney McGrath
Eleanor Tong
William Kohut

Siji Smolev, principal
Alex Sima, principal
Brandon Yee
Lily Shukla
Jeth Fogg
Trinity Lee
Renee Antwi
Hailey Love
Roxanne Shaviro
Ro Malik
Henry Demarest, Yeeee Chair

Chris Shia, Principal
Daniel Cho
Maria Gregory
Daniel Cho
Rebecca Schussheim
Grace Gibson-Snyder
Jake Bernstein
Alex Lam
Kira Tang
Marie McKinney
Ellie Tillman-Schwartz
Isabela Snow
Sam Friedman
Matthew Mellas
Imam Mian
Tzideny Romero
Hannah Dirsa
Victoria Cantu
Jeremy Ng

Kachi Ezuma-Ngwu, principal
Morgan Go

Iris Liebman, principal
Sophia Zhang
Nicole Nguyen
Ashley Su
Mason Abrell
Aaliyah Thomas
Leila Simons

Estelle Balsirow, principal
Sophie Dauerman
Zara Ashford
Darya Dayanim

Harrison Copp, Principal
Emily Borr
Aaron Xiong
Amy Metrick

Alto Sax
Justin Fan, Principal
Patrick Cannon
Alex Shadman
John Weber

Tenor Sax
John Weber, Principal
Eli White

French Horn
Julia Landres, principal
Shell Ross
Andres Luengo
Zakariya Bouzid
Eric Wang

Genevieve Kim, principal
JJ Wyetzner
Madelyn McElroy
Sander Cohen-Janes
Graydon Nolen
Sivan Almogy

Daniel Fried, principal, Queen of the Brass Section Chair
Patrick Qiu
John Cho
Shawn Nordstrom

Lily Hyde

Karim Najaar

Eric Gan, principal, The Catto Chair
Alan Xie

Aaron Yu, principal
Rose Hansen
Yiannis Scotiniadis

Eric Xiong