DPops draws from from the entire undergraduate student body. We encourage students from any major and department to audition. Some DPops members intend to continue music professionally, while others just want a fun and engaging pops orchestra experience while at Yale.
Below are bios from the DPops Board. The Board meets every week over dinner in the Davenport dining hall and coordinates all DPops activities, from auditions to rehearsals to concerts and social events. Feel free to contact any board member with questions about the orchestra!
2024 – 2025 Board
Helen Zhou PC’25 | Social Chair
Helen is a senior in Pierson majoring in Computer Science. Outside of playing violin with DPops, she enjoys obsessing over Laufey, window shopping, running, and trying restaurants with friends. This past summer, she spent too much time (and set off too many fire alarms) trying to learn how to cook with Eric. She still has yet to break her keshi and chai addiction.
Eric Gan DC’25 | Director of Development; Minis Manager
Eric is a senior in Davenport majoring in Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology. When he’s not sightreading piano parts for DPops, you can find him doing immunology research at the School of Medicine, binge watching cooking videos, grabbing boba with friends to fuel his endless midterm cram sessions, and gaming late into the night.
Angélique Wheeler PC’26 | Librarian
Angélique is a sophomore in Pierson majoring in History and Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology. When not playing violin in DPops, she sings with Redhot & Blue, the Yale Glee Club, and whichever theatre production she happens to be involved in at the time. Angélique also can be found at Pierson College Council meetings, Kappa chapter, or attempting to stick to one creative project at a time.
Kira Tang TC’27 | Co-President
Kira is a sophomore in Trumbull from Lexington, Massachusetts. In addition to playing the cello in DPops, she loves writing poetry, drawing portraits, attempting to cook, and pretending to be a DJ. Her claim to fame is being featured in the TrumBulletin as an IM table tennis player.
Jeremy Ng TC’26 | AV Team Director
Jeremy is a junior in Trumbull double majoring in Computer Science and Physics. He started playing the piano when he was 5 and added cello (his DPops instrument), organ, and now the carillon as the years went on. When he is not arranging multipart cello videos or listening to classical music and doing impromptu music analysis, you can see him salivating at pictures of his food from years of travel, or letting himself loose on the Taekwondo or the MMA mat.
Mitchell Dubin BF’25 | Head Conductor
Mitchell is thrilled to officially be joining the conducting team after being in and out of DPops for a couple years! Mitchell is an Econ major and does some teaching and research work in the department. He is also very involved in the Slifka Center and as a member of the Guild of Carillonneurs. P.S: Don’t tell anyone, but he’s also a retired (contra)bassoonist…
June Yoo BR’25 | Head Arranger/Publicity
June is a senior in Branford majoring in Computer Science. He spends most of his time headbanging to odd time signatures or banging his head trying to come up with the next DPops arrangement, but you can sometimes find him listening to classical music, watching funny animal videos, or searching for the perfect apple in the dining halls.
Liam Barthelmy SM’25 | Head Arranger
Liam is a senior in Silliman majoring in mathematics. Other than playing violin, they compose, obsess over video game music, play dnd with friends, and speedrun indie games.
Keerthana Chari BK’25 |Website Manager
Keerthana is a senior in Berkeley from Scarsdale, New York majoring in Environmental Engineering. Aside from playing the violin in DPops, she is a tour guide at the Yale Center for British Art and involved in science research. In her free time, she like to go on long walks, buy more books than she can possibly read, drink iced chai, and explore rooftops on campus.
Lilia Potter-Schwartz PM’26 | Publicity
Lilia is a sophomore in Pauli Murray from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, majoring in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry. Outside of DPops Lilia is part of the triathlon club, Murray College Council, and pursuing infectious disease research. In her free time, Lilia loves searching for the best latte in New Haven and walking to the weekly farmers market with friends!
Lily Hyde TC’27 | Treasurer
Lily is a sophomore in Trumbull College planning on majoring in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. She is from Dedham, MA and has been playing the euphonium for 8 years. Outside of DPops, she can be found jamming with the Marimband or making pottery in the Trumbull pottery studio.
Samson Wong MC’27 | Orchestra Manager
Samson is a first-year in Morse College. Outside of playing violin with DPops, he sings with Pitches and Tones and is on the Morse and First Year college councils. He listens to music purely based on vibes, is an enjoyer of all things food, and likes building anything that flies.
Chris Shia SY’27 | Publicity
Chris is a sophomore from Saybrook College. He plays the cello in DPops and is very excited to be an NML this year. He enjoys video games, though has not had enough time to beat them during the school year. He spends his free time doodling on Procreate, reading and writing stories, and attempting to stay awake with matcha.
Mason Abrell DC’26 | Davenport Liaison
Mason is a junior in Davenport majoring in Physics and Global affairs. When he’s not playing the flute in DPops, he can be found reading high fantasy books in some long-forgotten nook of a library, staring at a blackboard trying to remember Taylor Expansions, or practicing kendo. He also loves morning tea and soft sunrises, so if you have either tea or book recommendations, send them his way!
Iris Liebman BR’27 | Social Chair
Iris is a sophomore in Branford from Brookline, Massachusetts, majoring in chemistry. Outside of playing flute in DPops, she spends her time exploring the depths of Science Hill, listening to Taylor Swift, and baking chocolate chip cookies.